Mindfulness is the energy of being aware and awake to the present moment. It is the continuous practice of touching life deeply in every moment of daily life. Thich Nhat Hanh
Mindfulness is a state of being, a way of life and an art: the art of being truly present for ourselves, for each other and for the world. The energy of mindfulness has the capacity to heal and transform, to renew body and mind and to nourish the heart. Mindfulness is known as an effective approach to relaxation and stress release, but it’s much more than that. It is the deepening insight of our intimate interconnection with everyone and everything around us and on the planet. From this understanding grows a mindset which reflects compassion, respect and kindness for ourselves and all beings. Our actions will increasingly express those qualities. Mindfulness is medicine for our families, communities and for society.
Mindfulness is a practice and a path, similar to tending a garden. Training the mind to be grounded in the Here and Now is like cultivating a patch with seeds which over time will produce beautiful flowers. With patience and perseverance, the mind will give rise to increasing clarity, joy, inner peace and resilience.
In recent years, mindfulness practice has become very popular worldwide and is now used in health care, education, business and government. Its effectiveness is well documented in numerous scientific studies.
Breathing meditation
Here is a brief taster for you, a guided ten-minute breathing meditation.
Sound meditation
Listening to sounds is a wonderful way of arriving in the present moment.
Self-compassion meditation
This guided meditation is inspired by Kristin Neff.
One-to-one and Group Sessions
I offer bespoke mindfulness sessions for individuals and groups in person or online. Whether you would like an introductory taste of mindfulness or wish to take your practice to the next level, sessions will be tailored to your needs. Session formats range from an hour-long taster session to a whole day workshop, from a half-day introduction to a weekend course or retreat. Please contact me to discuss your requirements.
Mindfulness Courses and Retreats
Mindfulness practice and intuitive music-making mutually enhance and support each other. Slowing down through mindful breathing, sitting and walking opens doors to your inherent creativity. We will explore music and sound with an attitude of curiosity, playfulness and deep listening. Gentle movement exercises, sound walks and other listening practices open up the senses. Guided group improvisations encourage confidence and a spirit of adventure. Circumstances permitting, a part of the event will happen outdoors.
Can be tailored to suit needs of professional musicians, amateurs or mixed groups.
Meditation is a delightful and spontaneous thing to do. It is the continual act of making friends with yourself. Chögyam Trungpa
Mindfulness is a path to balance and well-being. Whether you are new to mindfulness or wish to take your next steps, this programme supports you in cultivating presence, inner resilience and joy. We cultivate mindfulness of breath, body, feelings and thoughts, learning to direct friendly attention to each of them. Combining mindfulness practice, gentle body work and outdoors experience, you will be introduced to a range of practices which make daily life more mindful, meaningful and fulfilling.
There is something within us that can discover and perform from resources that go way beyond our conscious mind. Barry Green
Mindfulness practice opens doors to deeper aliveness and creativity. Musicians can benefit in many ways: mindfulness helps us cope with the stresses of performing or auditioning. With practice, our awareness of the body deepens, which helps prevent instrument-specific strains and supports technical development. Mindfulness brings the clarity and presence we need for rehearsing, teaching and performing, and it helps us connect with fellow musicians, students and audiences alike. This course introduces you to the foundations of mindfulness practice. You will learn a range of practices which can be applied to daily life.
New online course starting in autumn 2021, more information on my Events page.
Whether you enjoy writing, making music, painting, or just wish to take first creative baby steps: relax your body and mind and open new doors of expression with the help of mindfulness. We will work with qualities of presence, openness, playfulness and the wide open space of non-judgmental awareness. You are invited to experiment, to be receptive, to listen to your own creative voice while the unexpected is allowed to express itself. Exploring the realms of sound, words and colour is part of this guided journey into deeper presence.
Can be tailored to suit needs of professionals, amateurs or mixed groups.