New Shoots – Mindfulness & Creative Discovery
A One-Day Retreat
Sunday 2 March 2025, 10am-4pm
Near Aberdeen, Scotland
This day offers us a mini retreat – some time and space to connect more deeply with ourselves and life. Mindfulness practices, such as mindful breathing, Deep Relaxation and sitting and walking meditation, help us touch peace and ease. A short Dharma talk will explore the theme of mindfulness and creativity, and some soothing piano music will be part of the day.
In the afternoon, let yourself be guided in a creative exploration. This season is an InBetween Time when spring and winter overlap, and we can connect with nature and see what stirs in us. As we allow our body and mind to relax, creative flow might happen naturally. We have the chance to play with colours, nature materials, words and sounds, and to discover the wisdom of play!
Mindfulness and creative exploration have a lot in common. They reach beyond words, express what’s left unsaid, and touch the heart. They both benefit from attitudes of curiosity, beginner’s mind and non-judgment. The day is an invitation to put the problem solving mind to rest, to listen to nature and the whispers of our deeper selves, and allow ourselves to be surprised and renewed.
This is a Mindfulness Day in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh and Plum Village. Everyone is welcome – whether you have practised mindfulness before or are new to it, whether you get excited about creativity or want to run a mile.
Date & time: Sunday 2 March, 10am-4pm
Venue: Murtle Hall, Camphill Estate, Milltimber, Aberdeen
Fee: Teas & coffees will be provided. This day is offered on a Dana (donation) basis, inviting participants to offer generosity of the heart.
Registration: For details and booking, please email Lindsay Lumsden, .

Watering the Seeds of Creativity & Joy
Mindfulness & Music Retreat
11-13 April 2025
Marostica (Vicenza), Italy
We all have seeds of creativity inside. When we allow our body and mind to relax, creative flow can happen. Join us for a weekend of mindfulness practice, intuitive music making and song. Let’s explore the music of the heart together, the music of this very moment, with curiosity and playfulness.
Mindful breathing, sitting and walking open doors to our icreativity and aliveness. There will be time to meditate, play, sing, hum, tone, explore, create and reflect together – both indoors and outdoors. We allow nature to inspire us. We will listen deeply – to the nature sounds around us, the sounds within us and the music we create together. We will also spend some time in silence, allowing ourselves to be replenished and renewed. Sounds and silence inter-are, they deepen and enrich each other.
The retreat is open to people with any level of experience with music and none – everyone is welcome! Please bring along any instruments you might have, including shakers, bells etc.
PLEASE NOTE: Teaching will be in English and German with Italian translation.
Date & time: Friday 11 April, 5.30pm, until Sunday 13 April, 4.30pm
Venue: Terra Felice, Marostica, Vicenza (Italy), https://insiemeconsapevolmente.org/
Registration: For details and a booking form, please email Emanuela Sandini, , phone +39 349 6833495 or +39 0424 77497 (Italian, English, German spoken)

Publication: Dare to Create!
Susanne’s chapter “Dare to Create! Meditation, Insight and Creative Practices in Music” is part of an inspiring collection of true stories – stories of journeys that changed lives. Taking inspiration from the mythical hero’s journey, the book presents applications of mindfulness practice in a broad range of settings. These include education, health care, business, sports, creative arts and communities. Authors link their personal journeys as mindfulness practitioners with the latest research, telling captivating stories of sharing mindfulness practice with people of all ages and walks of life.
For a free download of Susanne’s chapter, please contact her.
Price: eBook £9.75 (worldwide), paperback £24.75 including p&p (UK only). All proceeds go to the Everyone Project, helping fund mindfulness courses to groups who otherwise wouldn’t have access to them, for financial or other reasons.
Available here: Please email Vin Harris, .